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The “Floating Market”

Posted by admin On January - 27 - 2007

Early in the morning was the pick-up for the trip to the floating market. Its the oldest and the original one. I hoped to get there lots of photo opportunities. But what a disaster! I started feeling cheated by the travel agency lady. We had only 40min time at the market, what is definitely not enough for buying things, bargaining, doing photos and eating. I was upset. After the 40min they bring us to a carving place and a gemstone place nobody wants to see! Promised was a free drop-off at the hotel. But the hotel was on the other side of Bangkok. So the driver absolutely didn’t want to bring us home. It cost us nerves and 40min after finally he had to drive us home. Besides we heard from the others in the bus, who bought the ticket somewhere else, that they only paid 200baht for the half day ticket… Never buy at a governmental tourist information T.A.T.!!! I started becoming really concerned about my 10 days Koh Phagnan with beach front bungalow and free shuttle service.

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“What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find.”
by Hermann Hesse


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