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Rainy cloud forest

Posted by Susanna On January - 12 - 2011

The place ‘Lost and Found’ sounded so great. It offered fantastic hikes and wildlife. But in reality it was overrated. I arrived the night before in darkness and rain taking even the more difficult route since the bus dropped me there. They were no private rooms and the dormitory had three level bunk beds and five of them. Furthermore it was so messy I did not know where to step first. I had expected more. The advertisement had looked promising and the ‘Lonely Planet’ recommended it. They had a Kinkajou (Honey bear) but I had no chance to take pictures of and that was one of my main reasons I came. If you stay two nights you get the third night free. Since the weather was so bad and it rained and rained all hiking paths were muddy and slippery. It was seriously no fun to explore outside. It was cold and besides the TV room there was no possibility to hang out inside… I really had loved the hot showers though! They were extremely hot and I enjoyed them very much. However there are more volunteers than wildlife. I only observed a Olingo and a Cocomistle coming out in the evening and looking for food at the platform.

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“We're sitting on our blessed Mother Earth from which we get our strength and determination, love and humility - all the beautiful attributes that we've been given. So turn to one another; love one another; respect one another; respect Mother Earth; respect the waters - because that's life itself!”
by Phil Lane, Sr.


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