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Mission Hotel in NYC

Posted by Susanna On October - 2 - 2010

As I looked out the window this day was becoming a great sunny day.  I was unsure about what to do since the friend of mine Karl who is going to help me with filming the Galapagos adventure for the first two weeks arrived today by plane. I have no proper working phone at the moment (Yes I know – but in the jungle I don’t need it…) so it would be difficult to reach him and best seemed to wait until he pops in at Anthony apartment. I had hoped he could stay there for one night but in the moment the doorbell rang Anthony had different plans what I needed to accept. So the big mission started to find Karl a place last minute to stay in NYC for one night. It was ridiculous! After having a few soda we were looking desperately for a room. But all about $500 for one night! In the end we found him a decent place for $300! I would have never expected that since NYC seemed to be so full of places to stay…
We didn’t do anything at night I was simply to tired and exhausted…

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“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
by Dr. Seuss


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