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Hemingway House

Posted by Susanna On February - 7 - 2011

Today we left beautiful Key West in direction Orlando. It took us quite a while until we arrived there. Before we visited the Hemingway House a second time.
Hemingway owned the house on Fleming Street from 1931 until his death in 1961. The uncle of his second wife Pauline bought it for the couple. Hemingway lived here for about ten years and later it was used at vacation home. The Spanish Colonial Style building was built of native rock from the grounds. It got the first pool of Key West which was built in the late 1930’s and cost US$20.000. According to the legend after finishing the pool Hemingway took a penny from his pocket and pressed it into the wet cement and announced: “Here, take the last penny I’ve got!” One can still see the penny over there. The six-toed cats were everywhere this time. Amazing that there all decendants of the one six-toed tomcat Hemingway once got from his friend a captain.

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On the way to Orlando we stopped for Pizza and I took a photo at a complete pink bathroom… Guess what color the men’s was – blue!
At a gas station in Orlando I was wondering why they would have a massive sign saying they would sell ice cream still enlightened at night – but upside down.
Why would they not hang it right? I had to ask since that was such a weird discovery. And they actually told me the most unexpected… They didn’t sell ice cream anymore but since the sign left ugly wholes in the wall after taking it off they just put it back on – only upside down. So people would immediately know they don’t sell ice cream anymore. Yeah, right!

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“One should not think about the result; one does not travel to reach a destination, but to travel.”
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