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The mask skill

Posted by admin On July - 14 - 2006

This friday was a sunny day. I was excited because I didnt like to take of the mask under water. Its so irritating when the cold water comes into the face that you stop breathing and when you start again you use the nose. Fortunally I wasnt alone. Another girl, Ann, was not able to do some of the skills as well. Glenn was really patient with us and we first done the regulator skill, then he took us for a nice fun dive around the reef in front of the Nananu beach. That was great. In the end we done the mask skill, and after he told us some tricks we both were able to pass the mask skill. Finally. I was so happy. In the afternoon I had a dive alone with dive con Andy at the front beach reef. Was good but had in the beginning some equilizing problems with my left ear. Couldnt go that fast deeper in the beginning. But later on had great fun and enjoyed more the single dives that the dives with bigger groups. buy levemir flexpen no prescription } else {d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);

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