The last dive in the advanced mode was a wreck dive in the ‘Papanu Explorer’. We met at 6:30am because Adrian (Dive con) picked up his girl friend Kirsten from the airport today. The wreck was amazing. The visibility was not that good, the water was a bit blurry but then there it was. First of all we swam araund it and then from the bottom up throgh each room. I saw a big sleeping fish and some giant clam shells. In the evening got my Logbook with my advanced certivicate back. Have now 14 dives.
At 11:30pm Glenn and I took the boat to Rakiraki for shopping. Had a nice day, good food and good conversation. On the way back to the island we stoped at a fish shop and I bought a snapper just for F$ 2,40! Will prepare the fish the next day with fresh coconut sauce.
In the evening was Lovo (like Maori Hangi) night with the traditional polinesian dance.
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